Monday, December 27, 2010

Ducks wearing dog masks

sharia law is coming

This was written by a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim. This is not hearsay, and it will scare the life out of you.

Joys of Muslim Womenby Nonie Darwish In the Muslim faith a Muslim man can marry a child as young as 1 year old and have sexual intimacy with this child. Consummating the marriage by 9. The dowry is given to the family in exchange for the woman (who becomes his slave) and for the purchase of the private parts of the woman, to use her as a toy. Even though a woman is abused she can not obtain a divorce.

To prove rape, the woman must have (4) male witnesses. Often after a woman has been raped, she is returned to her family and the family must return the dowry. The family has the right to execute her (an honor killing) to restore the honor of the family.

Husbands can beat their wives 'at will' and he does not have to say why he has beaten her. The husband is permitted to have (4 wives) and a temporary wife for an hour (prostitute) at his discretion.

The Shariah Muslim law controls the private as well as the public life of the woman. In the West World ( America ) Muslim men are starting to demand Shariah Law so the wife can not obtain a divorce and he can have full and complete control of her.

It is amazing and alarming how many of our sisters and daughters attending American Universities are now marrying Muslim men and submitting themselves and their children unsuspectingly to the Shariah law. By passing this on, enlightened American women may avoid becoming a slave under Shariah Law. Ripping the West in Two.Author and lecturer Nonie Darwish says the goal of radical Islamists is to impose Shariah law on the world, ripping Western law and liberty in two. She recently authored the book, Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law. Darwish was born in Cairo and spent her childhood in Egypt and Gaza before immigrating to America in 1978, when she was eight years old. Her father died while leading covert attacks on Israel . He was a high-ranking Egyptian military officer stationed with his family in Gaza . When he died, he was considered a "shahid," a martyr for jihad. His posthumous status earned Nonie and her family an elevated position in Muslim society. But Darwish developed a skeptical eye at an early age. She questioned her own Muslim culture and upbringing.

She converted to Christianity after hearing a Christian preacher on television. In her latest book, Darwish warns about creeping sharia law - what it is, what it means, and how it is manifested in Islamic countries. For the West, she says radical Islamists are working to impose sharia on the world. If that happens, Western civilization will be destroyed. Westerners generally assume all religions encourage a respect for the dignity of each individual. Islamic law (Sharia) teaches that non-Muslims should be subjugated or killed in this world. Peace and prosperity for one's children is not as important as assuring that Islamic law rules everywhere in theMiddle East and eventually in the world.

While Westerners tend to think that all religions encourage some form of the golden rule, Sharia teaches two systems of ethics - one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. Building on tribal practices of the seventh century, Sharia encourages the side of humanity that wants to take from and subjugate others.

While Westerners tend to think in terms of religious people developing a personal understanding of and relationship with God, Sharia advocates executing people who ask difficult questions that could be interpreted as criticism. It's hard to imagine, that in this day and age, Islamic scholars agree that those who criticize Islam or choose to stop being Muslim should be executed. Sadly, while talk of an Islamic reformation is common and even assumed by many in the West, such murmurings in the Middle East are silenced through intimidation.

While Westerners are accustomed to an increase in religious tolerance over time, Darwish explains how petro dollars are being used to grow an extremely intolerant form of political Islam in her native Egypt and elsewhere. (In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. to elect the President by themselves! Rest assured they will do so... You can look at how they have taken over several towns in the USA .. Dearborn Mich. is one... and there are others...)

I think everyone in the U.S. should be required to read this, but with the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! It is too bad that so many are disillusioned with life and Christianity to accept Muslims as peaceful.. some may be but they have an army that is willing to shed blood in the name of Islam.. the peaceful support the warriors with their finances and own kind of patriotism to their religion. While America is getting rid of Christianity from all public sites and erasing God from the lives of children the Muslims are planning a great jihad on America ..

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do You Believe in God?

I was watching an old TV show the other night and one of the characters asked the others if they believed in God. It was such a simple question that only required a simple yes or no answer but it left an unsettling quiet in the air.

The other characters shuffled around and one by one started to give really stupid answers. One said flat out, “That’s private”, while another character rambled on with philosophical double talk which in the end was the same as saying no.

The thing that bothered me was that the one who asked the question not only believed in God but told the others she talked to God and God talked to her. There was silence at first which lead to snickering and taunting and eventually all but one of the characters shunned her.

It was a waste of time as TV shows go but it made me think of how many times I’ve seen people grapple with that very question. As a species, humans have gone from worshiping more gods than I can count to one God and now they are afraid to admit believing in fear of being shunned. It’s a

simple question; you believe in God or you don’t. It’s not “private” or philosophical; it’s “yes” or “no”.

Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me. Acts 27:25

One thing I find in common with those that believe in God is that life has a purpose. Those that don’t believe or are too weak to admit believing because they think their friends won’t approve and they find themselves chasing dreams and crave some sort of power, which is just an illusion after all.

He that walketh with wise [men] shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Proverbs 13:20

I guess people are simply too worried about appearances and that’s understandable. Ever since grade school we are “picked on” if we’re the least bit different. But by fitting in, who are we really pleasing other than the class clowns? Then you feel empty because you caved in to peer pressure and you in turn crave some power to make others follow you. It’s silly when you think about it.

Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.
Albert EinsteinUS (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)

There are so many variables affecting our lives that God can get shoved to the back of our minds and when that happens we forget to pray. Prayer is the surest way to talk with God. He does listen and if you bury your fears of what others think of you, you will hear His answers to your prayers. Prayer can be a powerful variable in our lives when we don’t shove Him to the back of our minds.
Next time you want to have some fun observing people, throw out the question, “Do you believe in God” and watch objectively. Some will cower and remain silent while some will try to “Wow” you with double talk. How many simply say “yes”? Those that do are those you can trust.
Dare to be different! Don’t be afraid to believe!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

a memorial

One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Johnny standing in the foyer of the church staring up at a large plaque. It was covered with names and small American flags mounted on either side of it. The six-year old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pastor walked up, stood beside the little boy, and said quietly, 'Good morning, Johnny.'

'Good morning Pastor,' he replied, still focused on the plaque. 'Pastor, what is this? '

The pastor said, 'Well son, it's a memorial to all the young men and women who died in the service.'

Soberly, they just stood together, staring at the large plaque. Finally, little Johnny's voice, barely audible and trembling with fear asked,

'Which service, the 9:00 or the 11:00?'

questions to ponder

Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

Why is "Bra" singular and "Panties" is plural?

Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!

If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME crap, why didn't he just buy dinner?

If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what's baby oil made from?

Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?

Why did you just try singing the two songs above?

Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity?

Why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it's only a " penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Catch the wind

For my friends that have young children, here's an idea that may even lead them to more artful, creative ideas.

Make music from the wind with a homemade wind chime!

You will need:
A hanger, such as a wooden dowel, coat hanger, or stick
String, yarn, or fishing line
Three or more “chimes” (the heavier the chime, the stronger the wind needed)
A drill or other tool to pierce a hole in the chimes for the string.

Experiment with different materials—old silverware, bamboo, metal washers, old keys, bells, and more. Just drill a hanging hole into the chimes. Tie different lengths of string to each chime, and tie them to the hanger. Heavier objects should be in the center. Make sure that the chimes will touch when they are moved by the wind.

Find a breezy place to hang your creation!

Roswell/Washington connection

In 1947, witnesses claim an unidentified object with five aliens aboard crashed on a sheep and cattle ranch just outside Roswell , New Mexico. This is a well known incident that many say has long been covered up by the US Air Force and the federal government. However, you may NOT know that in the month of March 1948, exactly nine months after that historic day,

Albert Arnold Gore, Jr.; Hillary Rodham; John F. Kerry; William Jefferson Clinton; Howard Dean;

Nancy Pelosi; Dianne Feinstein; Charles E. Schumer; and Barbara Boxer were born.

That piece of information has now cleared up a lot of things!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


The world has too many billboards. It's time to rent this space for advertising; a "Philboard"!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Strange ads of the good old days

I just wrote a story for the May newsletter that included a few vintage ads. There are so many ads from the 40's and 50's and a few from the 60's that were amazing but for a lack of space, couldn't be used. Also, there are a few ads that were so "way over the top" that they bordered on dangerous and I wondered how they ever were made in the first place. Since I started this blog as a place to use stuff that can't be used in the newsletter for whatever reason, I will show these ads. Enjoy them and shake your head and say as I did, "How did we ever survive those times.

fag was slang for cigarette

Red Grange endorsing a whiskey

Monday, April 19, 2010

This story was in the WND (World Net Daily) website. I passed it along to friends but it's too big to use in my newsletter. I often use page 3 to talk about stories of interest. It's a cool story even though it's mainly a plug for a DVD the man is selling ( I will probably buy it). As an astronomer I love stories like this so for those who may never read WND I'm passing it along here. Enjoy!

GOOD HEAVENS!2nd Coming of Jesus etched in night sky?
'The devil perverts everything God has. There's nothing wrong with biblical astronomy'
By Joe Kovacs© 2010 WorldNetDaily
Is it possible the return of Jesus Christ to Earth has been foretold not only in the Bible, but also in the night sky since the creation of the universe?

A Christian minister who uses NASA tracking of solar and lunar eclipses in his teaching of the great event is now explaining how at least one constellation is an outright declaration of the "Second Coming."
In a new DVD series called "Studies in Our Hebrew Roots," Mark Biltz, pastor of El Shaddai Ministries in Bonney Lake, Wash., revisits what he and some others believe is the biblical plan of God on display in the physical heavens.
In his videotaped lectures, Biltz focuses on a star called Arcturus, which is mentioned in the Old Testament Book of Job: "Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south." (Job 9:9)
If one were to consult a map of the night sky, Arcturus could be found in the "left knee" of a constellation called Bo-otes (often spelled Bootes), meaning "the Coming One," depicted as a warrior coming to harvest, according to Biltz, citing previous research by noted 19th century Bible scholar E.W. Bullinger who wrote "The Witness of the Stars."
Biltz explains the Hebrew word translated as "Arcturus" in Job comes from the same root word found in the Book of Joel discussing the return of Jesus, but is rendered in Joel 3:11 as "assemble."
"The word 'assemble' is the same word that is translated as 'Arcturus' in Job," he said. "So it means the same thing, to assemble, to come. And if you'll notice the word 'come' is 'bo,' which is the name of this constellation: 'Bo-otes.' So this constellation .... He's got a sickle in one hand and a spear in the other. This is a sign of the Messiah who says 'I'm coming.' That's what this constellation is all about, the Coming One. In Revelation it talks about He has a sickle in His hand."
The Book of Revelation states from the apostle John's perspective, "And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. ... And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped." (Revelation 14:14-16)
NASA says the afterglow of a 2008 gamma ray burst in the Bo-otes constellation is the most intrinsically bright object ever observed by humans in the universe. (Click for larger image)
Interestingly, on March 19, 2008, a powerful gamma ray burst detected by NASA's Swift satellite in the Bo-otes constellation shattered the record for the most distant object that could be seen with the naked eye.
"It was a whopper," said Swift principal investigator Neil Gehrels of the Goddard Space Flight Center. "This blows away every gamma ray burst we've seen so far."
NASA said the afterglow "was 2.5 million times more luminous than the most luminous supernova ever recorded, making it the most intrinsically bright object ever observed by humans in the universe."
The sheer brilliance of the event led some Christian analysts to suggest it was an indicator that Jesus would come back soon.
"I believe that this sign in the heavens points to the imminent return of Christ to judge His household," wrote Joseph Herrin of the Georgia-based Heart4God website. "We do live at the end of the age. It has been 6,000 years since Adam and 2,000 years since Christ first appeared. ... This sign in Bootes is another witness, and those who have set themselves apart to follow the Lord can anticipate what is to come."
Others, including Dr. T. L. Marshall of Community Bible Church in Brooksville, Fla., have been promoting the biblical study of the zodiac for years.
"The truth is that almost every ancient civilization stressed the importance of the zodiac," Marshall writes on "But why? Is it just some ancient religion? The answer might surprise you! Are you ready for this? God drew the zodiac.
"God drew the lines in the night sky which connected just the right stars to form just the right pictures which, when taken all together, form just the right story of His incredible grace and mercy, and His amazing plan to save mankind from the curse of sin."
While the Bible itself condemns astrology, Biltz says there's a big difference between astronomy, the study of objects and matter outside the earth's atmosphere, and astrology, the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions. He claims the astronomical truth of God has been twisted into astrological confusion by Satan the devil himself.
"I am totally against astrology," says Biltz. "Astrology is evil. I want nothing to do with that, but the devil perverts everything God has. That's what he does. There's nothing wrong with biblical astronomy. The big difference is, astrology says, 'It's all about you.' Believe me, you're very sweet, but it's not about you. It's all about God, and when we have the proper perspective that it's not about us, it's all about Him and to glorify Him then we'll have a proper understanding."
Total lunar eclipses often make the moon appear red
The constellation connection is just part of Biltz's message, as he also goes into an in-depth analysis of how God is signaling his followers through other sky phenomena, as WND first reported two years ago.

Biltz began focusing on the precise times of both solar and lunar eclipses, sometimes called "blood moons" since the moon often takes on a bloody color. He logged onto NASA's eclipse website which provides precision tracking of the celestial events.He noted a rare phenomenon of four consecutive total lunar eclipses, known as a tetrad.He says during this century, tetrads occur at least six times, but what's interesting is that the only string of four consecutive blood moons that coincide with God's holy days of Passover in the spring and the autumn's Feast of Tabernacles (also called Succoth) occurs between 2014 and 2015 on today's Gregorian calendar.
Regarding this rare cluster of eclipses in that one-year span, Biltz said: "The religious calendar starts with a total solar eclipse. And then two weeks later on Passover, you have a total lunar eclipse, followed by a solar eclipse on the Feast of Trumpets followed by another total lunar eclipse on Succoth all in 2015. Now is God trying to tell us something? Is He sending any signals? I almost feel like the coach on a baseball team, frantically [waving], 'Will you please steal the base?!'"
Biltz is careful, though, not to say that Jesus is definitely returning between 2014 and 2015.
"I'm not telling you what's gonna happen," he said. "I'm not gonna tell you this is the beginning, the middle, the end or anything of the tribulation. ... All I'm telling you, [is] you can put this in your own theological pipe and smoke it like you want. All I'm saying is God is sending some signals here."
Hal Lindsey, a well-known biblical commentator and author of "The Late Great Planet Earth," told WND in 2008 that Biltz's analysis was "pure speculation.""In my 50-something years of studying prophecy, to me the greatest indication of the time of Christ's return is based around the general things of prophecies coming together in the same time frame."He mentioned not only Israel's birth as a political state in 1948, but the increase in tensions with Muslims, the rise of Russia, China and the European Union, which he says is even "calling itself the revived Roman Empire.""I see the whole sweep and panorama spinning together in a precise scenario," Lindsey said.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

hat nebula

Sorry, I thought it was a picture of a new nebula. It's just a new fashion at a spring show in Paris. I want that hat!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Astronomy in the Bible

When I look at thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast established;
Psalms 8:3

To him that by wisdom made the heavens: for his mercy [endureth] for ever. To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy [endureth] for ever. To him that made great lights: for his mercy [endureth] for ever: The sun to rule by day: for his mercy [endureth] for ever: The moon and stars to rule by night: for his mercy [endureth] for ever. Psalms 136:5-9

[Seek him] that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The Lord [is] his name: Amos 5:8


As I said in my profile, I am an astronomer and a big fan of Galileo. That's why I made up the name, Philileo; it's like Galileo, only much stranger, like me. Luckily, my wife is an astronomer as well so she never objected to spending money on the hobby. Actually, I like to think of it as more of a sport, like hunting. Like Orion, the hunter and my favorite constellation, it takes the efforts of a good hunter to find the best night sky and elusive objects.

One year we took a trip to find the best night sky. We had a week to kill before attending an astronomy conference in Iowa so we studied a map and decided on the area around Chadron, Nebraska and headed out on U.S. 20.
Once you're past Rockford, Illinois, 20 becomes empty, except for a few stops along the way. Nebraska along 20 was delightful as we drove through massive sand hills. There was really no traffic the whole way, except for some rattle snakes sleeping on the road. I counted about 20 cars on the whole trip. Chadron is a small town and quite beautiful. The only bad part of town was a Walmart (I'm not a fan of Walmart) but I guess they needed one there.
Outside of Chadron, we found a dirt road which was part of a naional forest. There was absolutely nobody out there. We set up the telescope from the trunk of our car on a driveway to a cattle and horse ranch.

When we stepped out of the car, we thought it would be totally quiet but there were a lot of animals watching us. Wild turkeys, coyotes, racoons and dozens of other animals and birds were popping there heads up as we set up. They were probably woundering what type of crazy humans were these two and what could they possibly be doing here? However, once the darkness set in, they went there own way. A few of them passed by as the night went on but they couldn't care less that we were there anymore.
It was not a wasted trip. On that first night, we were treated to an extremely dark night, even though the moon was nearly full. It reminded me of a guy I knew in Vietnam. He grew up in a big city and said he was disappointed because the night sky was always so cloudy. I explained to him that he was just seeing the Milky Way for his first time. He couldn't believe there were so many stars that it was like looking at a rug made of light.

There was so much to see that the mind acts like a computer that just had too much information fed into it and it froze up. What do we look at first? It was just a casual night of observing and we really didn't care though. It was just having that open dark sky that mattered and we reached our goal on the first night of oberving.

We found many great sites on the trip and by the time we reached the conference in Iowa, it became a secondary event on our trip home. The conference was hosted by an incredible astronomy club with a great observatory. They had one of the largest refractor telescopes I've seen. But we were headed back home to bright night skies. Goodbye, Milky Way!
We are both hobbled with knee and back problems now and a trip like that may or may not happen again but we have great memories. Chadron will still be there and the animals can enjoy the dark skies for us until we come back again. If you ever wonder why anyone can stand being out in the night air, huddled around a telescope all night, just look up the next time you're out away from city lights. It doesn't take a large or expensive scope to find the answer.

Monday, April 12, 2010

This story was in the Philadelphia inquirer. Jeff is my nephew and Charlotte is his daughter. She has a potentially fatal bone marrow disease. Please keep them in your prayers and if you are familiar with bone marrow donors contact them and pass along information to the phone number below.

Armenian churches join to help Bala Cynwyd girlCharlotte Conybear, 4, with parents Jeff and Ellen of Bala Cynwyd. She has a potentially fatal bone-marrow disease and so far no suitable donor has been found.

By David O'Reilly
Inquirer Staff Writer
For more than 1,000 years, Armenians have celebrated Easter with cries of "Chrisdos haryav," "He is risen."
But on Sunday, Armenians at five local churches will be invited to participate in an Easter ritual most have never experienced. They will be asked to swab their mouths in a DNA search for a bone-marrow donor who could save an ailing 4-year-old girl from Bala Cynwyd.
"We chose the day because many people will be here," said the Rev. Hakob Gevorgyan, pastor of Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church in Cheltenham. He predicted that from 300 to 400 people would turn out for Easter liturgy at his church alone.
Eight Armenian churches in California, two in Boston, and one in Washington are also participating in the search for a donor.
In August 2008, Charlotte Conybear's parents first noticed bruises on her legs.
"We were not too concerned at first," Ellen Conybear said Wednesday as her daughter, pale with dark eyes, drew with crayons at the kitchen table.
"She was 21/2 and playing in a new playground," father Jeff said. "We thought she was just being more active."
Tests at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia at first suggested ITP, a relatively benign blood disorder. But later tests revealed aplastic anemia, a potentially fatal failure of the bone marrow to generate sufficient blood platelets and red and white blood cells.
"They told us her bone marrow was empty," Jeff Conybear said.
"We took her out of day care right away," said her mother, a lawyer on maternity leave with 3-week-old daughter Caroline. "If she ever hit her head, it could be very serious."
Drug therapy in May failed to improve Charlotte's rapidly declining platelet count, but doctors assured her parents that there would be no difficulty finding a bone-marrow donor.
But they were startled to discover there were no DNA matches among the thousands of potential donors in the national registry.
The doctors asked about the Conybears' ethnic backgrounds, which includes English, Polish, and Italian. "When I mentioned I was also part Armenian, they went, 'Ah,' " said Ellen Conybear, whose family name was Jerrehian. Armenians have DNA features distinct from Europeans, and different genetic diseases.
So the doctors turned to the national registry of bone-marrow donors of Armenian descent and found just partial matches, which they said they would use only in a crisis.
Tests on Charlotte's 2-year-old brother, Jack, showed he was not a match. Caroline is too young to even consider, and parents are not suitable donors.
The prospects of finding a match seemed bleak until November, when Ellen's brother Dean Jerrehian checked in to a trade show at a Rhode Island hotel and discovered that it was hosting a bone-marrow registration drive.
Weeks later, Jerrehian, who makes and sells yoga mats, was on a sales trip to San Francisco and asked a yoga studio to host a similar drive among local Armenians.
But when Aline Aghababian, 39, of San Francisco, saw the fliers in her neighborhood promoting the one-day effort, "it made my heart sink," she said.
"We don't have many Armenians in our neighborhood," she said. "I was in a panic for them. I'm a mother, and all I could think of was what they were going through."
Aghababian called Jerrehian the night before the registration. "I said, 'This is not going to work here. Have you tried contacting any [Armenian] community groups?' "
Jerrehian said he and his family were not active in the Armenian community or its churches. So Aghababian, who is active in hers, began phoning Armenian churches around San Francisco, asking whether they would agree to a registration drive on Easter.
"They all said yes, immediately," she said.
Stunned by the response, the Conybears, who are Lutheran, began calling the Philadelphia area's Armenian churches.
"Some said yes right away," Ellen Conybear said. "A few said they thought Easter would be too busy, but when they learned the others were doing it, they said, 'Yes, we have to do this.' "
Gevorgyan, the pastor of Holy Trinty, said his church would invite members to take the test during the coffee hour after liturgy.
The test consists of swabs taken of the inner cheek with cotton-tipped sticks. The sticks, bearing the owners' DNA, go to a national laboratory for testing and registration.
Donors must be between 18 and 60 and available to donate bone marrow and blood promptly if notified they are the right match. Charlotte's treatment might require the donor to give only blood, from which stem cells are extracted.
The Conybears expect the Easter effort to yield thousands of tests and at least a few matches. But their prayers won't stop if they find one.
"We're not really sure" of Charlotte's prognosis if she gets a transplant, her father said. "We're told it's decent."
The Conybears expect to learn in a few weeks whether they have a match. Meanwhile, on Sunday, they plan to attend Easter services at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Ardmore, then visit some of the Orthodox churches where the donor drive is taking place.
"We want to put Charlotte's face out there," Ellen Conybear said, "so people know who it is they're helping."

Contact staff writer David O'Reilly at 215-854-5723 or


Love is the only flower that grows and blossoms without the aid of the seasons.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Agent Orange

A lot of people have asked me about Agent Orange because it caused my cancer and my stroke. It was made to be a defoliant in Vietnam. It worked on plants by accelerating the life cycle and as it turns out, does the same to humans. Dow, Monsanto and several other companies made the stuff and still do. It's used on all major highways to control weeds.

Vietnam would never have happened except for the fact that many of the democrats in office at the time had major investments in those companies as well as Michelin and Shell oil. All of them had factories, rubber plantations and workers in southeast Asia at the time. History books demonized Nixon for the war but Kennedy and Johnson needed Vietnam and I even believe that if Kennedy had lived, Vietnan would have lasted much longer. In fact, Nixon campaigned to get all advisors out as soon as he would have been elected in 1960. I know I may sound bitter but I filled a lot of body bags while protecting a Michelin rubber plantation with a sign with JFK's name out front and even more outside of a Dow chemical wharehouse as well.

I hear a lot of rhetoric from liberals today saying a lot of nonsense about the republicans being war mongers but the reverse has always been true. Unfortunately, like the press the history books are being written only by the extreme left. Before you spout out words like a parrot, find some old people and ask what really happened in the good old days. If you dig deep enough, you will find out so much it will make you cry.

The following is a short story I wrote after I submitted a report to the AMA in 1983. The story was written for a VVA (Vietnam Veterans of America) newsletter to encourage vets to get tested for Agent Orange exposure. Agent Orange contained Dioxin, the deadliest poison ever. It stores itself in the fat tissue of anyone exposed to it. When you lose weight, it is relesed and causes cancer and many other maladies. It is transferred to offspring and lasts for generations.

Whenever any politician shows any interest in any product or industry, and during their time in office a war breaks out or one president extends a war from a previous president, it's almost always because of personal gains. Right now, Obama backers are blaming Bush for all that is wrong but it's all a shell game. They have the public looking at one hand while the other is doing something else they don't want us to see. Read the following story then ask any returning vets about any other such things in their war. Terrorists have to be killed and it was worth it to see the satatue of that creep going down in Baghdad but beyond that, what are the real motives?

I survived Agent Orange, right?

So, you though Agent Orange was the only toxin in the Nam. Perhaps you served in the early years, say from ‘62 to ’65, when Agents Pink and Purple were used. The level of dioxin contamination in both was much higher than in Agent Orange, thus potentially more toxic.

When it gave you a headache, did you take Binoctal, a headache remedy left over from the French, composed of 50mg of Amytal and 70mg of Seconal. It led to persistent neurological disorders, sudden aggression, personality changes and disorientation.

Later on, ’67 to ’72, medics were given Dapsone tablets to distribute to everyone. Dapsone was an experimental (notice I said experimental) anti-malarial drug. Its use was supposed to be discontinued in 1969 after 16 soldiers developed an acute form of a white blood cell disorder, Argranulacytosis, and 8 of them died. Several studies here and abroad show carcinogenicity (cancer) in rats and at least one study shows the potential for human chromosomal damage.

And how many of you used DEET (Diethyl Tolunide), the little 2 oz. bottle of insect repellent? Some men developed severe blistering of the skin after its application, but its use was continued because it was the only effective repellent available.

So, maybe you served in the rear and didn’t have to worry about that. How about the barracks? Chlordane, a potent angophosphate was used to control cockroaches, and fleas on scout dogs. It was banned by the EPA in 1975 for most domestic uses. It is a suspected carcinogen.

Also, Lindane, a pesticide was frequently dusted in living quarters and around rat burrows to control fleas and roaches. It had to be applied with protective clothing. It can cause nausea, irritation and convulsions.

DDT was also widely used in and near living quarters to control rat fleas carrying endemic bubonic plague. The EPA banned its use in 1972 because of its persistant toxic effects on the environment.

Also, Malathion, a widely used insecticide was sprayed daily from the air to control mosquitoes in base camps. Classified by the Army as minimally toxic to humans, but can have acute toxic effects if misused. In 1975, five died and 2900 were seriously ill after exposure to incorrectly sprayed Malathion in Pakistan.

Agent Orange was the most widely used defoliant because it not only worked well in the bush on broad leaf plants but it was very effective at keeping fire base perimeters of all foliage. No one knows yet just how much damage its dioxin has done to humans and the environment.

Also, Agent Blue, which contained Cacodylic Acid, an arsenic compound, was used as a herbicide for rice crop destruction and to kill thin bladed plants like bamboo and elephant grass. The EPA ordered an investigation in 1983 after it caused cancer in laboratory animals.

And let’s not forget Agent White, a defoliant used later in the war. A mixture of 2,4-D and piclorum, another herbicide more persistent than Agent Orange. Chronic toxicity of piclorum is considered low, but domestic farmers are warned to use piclorum carefully because it kills all vegetation for several seasons.

And lastly, there’s Urox 22 and Bromacil, very persistent soil sterilants. The effects are similar to piclorum. Chronic effects on humans are not known. A special respirator mask had to be worn when applying it.

The point is, it didn’t matter who you were or what you did over there; you were exposed to toxins. Chemical companies made billions on the Vietnam War. We were nothing more than laboratory animals with no protection. Your children aren’t safe. We can’t even be sure if their children will be safe.

I can’t stress enough the importance of going through an Agent Orange screening at any VA hospital and keeping up on routine physicals for all Nam vets and their children.

We are dying to get the facts!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Born Again

Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
That is what happens when you are born again. But I can't help but wonder, if we are born again, shouldn't we have two belly buttons?

I sure hope the Lord has a sense of humor.


Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles.

Two Wolves

There are stories from our Native Americans that tug at my heart. I put some of them in my newsletter but this one got the most notice:
Two Wolves
One evening, an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside each of us.
He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego."
"The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, serenity, humility, kidness benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minite then asked his grandfather, "Which one wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed".
It's been said by many that Jesus visited the Native Americans after his crucifixtion. I wasn't there and would never pretend to be an authority on the subject but the way the people in all tribes teach their young, I'm inclinded to believe it. The use of parables alone is a beautiful similarity. I think it's time we all teach our childern in such a way; it works. Will you ever forget the story of the Two Wolves?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It is impossible to lick your elbow. At least 75% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow!

Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. Check your hair for zinc and copper unless you were trying to lick your elbow.

Relationship With Christ

The following is from a young man who is behind bars but I contest that he has more freedom than all of us on the outside. He is enrolled in a prison ministry called, Crossroads Bible Institute. His studies are intense and better students can recieve scholarships to seminaries. They are really doing God's work and I am happy to know them.
Their website escapes now but I will write about them later. On the site, they show artwork of prisoners and their poetry as well. It's profound and moving. CBI is always looking for instructors to grade papers of the prisoners Bible studies so give them a look.
Anyway, Saul has a profound and strong regimine for living a life through Jesus as evideced by his recent letter to me. It came after I asked him how he found his relationship with Christ.

In today’s world, too many Christians know about God and Jesus, yet they do not know Him. The problem is, they never take the time to seek Him. When life’s worry’s come, they are defeated and lose all hope. The Christian that truly knows Christ does not worry, for where Christ is there is no worry.

When we read Matthew 6: 25–34, or Luke 12: 22-31, Jesus teaches us about worry. Yet, if you read Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7, you will read the instructions Jesus by which Jesus teaches us to live.

When we get down on our luck, we need not turn to the world; we need to turn to Jesus. For He instructs us in Matthew 11: 25-30 and Luke 10: 21-22. These are the words by which true Christians live by.

A lot of times, we seek big signs from God to know if He is real, yet we miss out on the little nudges He gives us. Jesus teaches us about this in Matthew 12: 38-45 and Luke 11: 29-32.

To get to know Jesus more, you must read the Word found in the Gospel of John. You will read who Jesus is and what we must do to know Him.
- John 1: 1-18 tells us who Jesus is.
- John 3: 1-21 tells us what we must do to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
- John 5: 16-30 teaches us to live life through Christ.
- John 6: 25-59 teaches us that Jesus is the Bread of Life.
- John 8: 42-47 tells about those who are not living through Christ.
- John 10: 14-18 tells us exactly for who and what Jesus did for us.
- John, chapters 14, 15 and 16 are also very important in knowing Jesus.

When trouble comes, Luke 21: 34-36 tells us what happens to those who don’t know Jesus in those bad times.

It is sad when problems come and we worry. We must be still and wait on the Lord. Too many times we try to take matters into our own hands. We must pray to God through Jesus and put it in His hands.

I truly love the book of Philippians. There is so much that speaks to my heart. Yet the big things are chapter 3: 1-11 (no confidence in the flesh) and 3: 12-21 is very good in all things. Yet, when I read 4: 10-13, I truly see Christ in me. For contentment comes from Jesus and not worldly things.

Many of us Christians do not truly realize what an honor it is to be a servant of God. We all deserve death, yet God grants us life in His son. (John 3:16)

When we read Romans 5: 1-11, we learn what true Peace and Joy is. For it comes from Christ and not the world. Romans 8: 1-17 tells us about the life through the Spirit. 8: 18-27 tells us about the future Glory. 8: 28-39 tells us about being more than conquerors.

Jesus is love, the true love of God, and to know true love, you must know Christ. Read Romans 12: 9-21 and 13: 8-14 and the biggest one to know is 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13. These all teach us what love really is.

Yet the biggest lesson to learn is about suffering, which I know about a lot. I thank God to allow me to suffer for being a Christian. It is a true honor to learn His ways in the hard times, for it helps in the good times. I learn from 2 Corinthians 1: 3-11 “The God of comfort”. I live also by James 5: 7-12, 1 Peter 4: 12-19, as these chapters teach a lot about suffering.

Now, when you put this all together, you will learn who you are and who Jesus is. You learn to let go of all your troubles and give them to God and to trust God to take care of all problems, big and small. You will truly live Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
Speaking of Proverbs, the path to true knowledge of God and how He wants us to live are all written in Proverbs. Try to read Proverbs daily. There are 31 Proverbs and most months have 31 days. Whatever day it is, read that numbered Proverb.
Now, I am no expert in the Word; I do not even know the Bible. The cool part is that I don’t have to. The Holy Spirit knows the Bible and when I pray to God for wisdom and knowledge, God leads me to His Word. I rely 100% on God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to guide me every day.
This all started 5 years ago when I was lead to read the Bible on a daily basis. I thank God who has allowed a sinner like me to come and know Him. I am truly blessed beyond all measure. I live for the Glory and Praise of God, for I am a mere servant to God in Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior.
Your Brother in Christ,
I invite people to pray with me; Let all the lost souls of the world come to truly know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
In Christ’s name we pray,

Cherokee rite of passage

This story was told to me by a friend on facebook, who happens to be Cherokee.

Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of passage?

His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it. He cannot cry out for help to anyone. Once he survives the night, he is a MAN.

He cannot tell the other boys of this experience because each lad must come into manhood on his own. The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild beasts must surely be all around him. Maybe even some human might do him harm.

The wind blew the grass and earth, and shook his stump, but he sat stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he could become a man! Finally, after a horrific night, the sun appeared and he removed his blindfold. It was then that he discovered his father sitting on the stump next to him. He had been at watch the entire night, protecting his son from harm.

We, too, are never alone. Even when we don't know it, our Heaven ly Father is watching over us, sitting on the stump beside us. When trouble comes, all we have to do is reach out to Him.

Moral of the Story:
Just because you can't see God, doesn't mean He is not there. 'For we walk by faith, not by sight.'
~ 2 Corinthians 5:7

I would like to add one thought. Isn't it sad to think how much we lose when we ignore a whole society and culture? I used to love the movie, How the West Was Won, but what did we win and at what cost?

More to come from Native Americans later. That is the good that can come from Facebook.

Fuzzy Wuzzy

Not everything in life has to be so serious.

A friend of mine looked at this picture and it took him a while to realize he was looking at the top of my head. I had a face drawn on the top of my bald head which was inspired by a poem.

Fuzzy Wuzzy

Fuzzy Wuzzy wuz a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wuzn't very fuzzy,
wuz he?

What Does the cross mean to you?

People have asked me many times about the cross I wear. From a dastance, you can't really tell what it's made of and it's old and not pleasant looking. The chain is less than fancy and friends wonder why I don't get a new one. The following is from a story I ran in the Independet Evangelist and it pretty much answers any questions about ant cross one wears.

I wear a simple cross made of copper and supported by a cheap, Army issue metal chain; the same type of chain used for a soldiers “dog tags”. It was the type of cross offered by Army Chaplains during the Vietnam War.

Many soldiers took one but rarely wore them because of the conditions in that type of combat zone. After all, in the jungle heat and humidity, the less one wore around one’s neck, the better.

When I take it off and look at it, I can see stains from blood and Agent Orange and the metal is pitted from sweat. I remember the torrential monsoon rains and the mud and the disgusting swamps it was dragged through. I still see the typhoon that ripped it from my neck and remember finding it lodged in a nearby tree branch.

I still have nightmares about the Viet Cong that captured me and beat the daylights out of me when they found the cross around my neck. I remember how they would pretend to give my cross back and hope I would reach for it. If I did they would hit me in the head with a rifle butt and laugh as they spat on it. God gave me the strength to get out of that spot and take my cross back from the hands of my dead captors.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? [shall] tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Romans 8:35

For decades I kept it hanging on a wall alongside a picture from Nam. I tried to replace it with a decorative one from a jewelry store but it never felt right; it was just too fancy. After a while, it ended up on the wall with the first one.

I quit wearing a cross for a long time until recently. One reason I quit was because of nerve damage that drives me nuts if something touches a certain spot on my neck. It can feel like a hot poker sticking me there, if irritated. The other reason was the negative feelings of Nam connected with it.

Recently, I was reflecting on the just what a cross symbolizes and I took the original, stained and beat up little cross off of the wall, washed off the dust and put it back on. The blood and Agent Orange it encountered and the fierce weather and jungle conditions and the fight to get it back after my enemies spat on it are nothing compared to what Christ went through for me and everyone who wears, or plans to ever wear a cross.

And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify [him]: and the third day he shall rise again. Matthew 20:19

I cry when I think about it. Those Roman soldiers beat Jesus so badly, his friends could barely recognize him. The tortures described in the Bible and every story ever presented about Jesus defies the physical ends to which even the strongest man could endure.

Now, the only thing that makes me hesitate when I put on my cross is that I don’t feel worthy. Still, when I read about lawsuits started by the ACLU because a Muslim is offended by a cross displayed somewhere, the old soldier in me comes out. I get fighting mad and say, “Each time you give up a piece of your faith to fit in with the ways of the ‘world’ you lose it forever and the ‘world’ will never give it back”. I refuse to give any of my faith away.

People have worn crosses around their necks for much longer than I’ll ever know and I find it amazing, especially when you think of the attacks on Christianity throughout history and especially now. Crosses have been burned, abused, spat upon and discarded and those wearing one have been ridiculed and spurned and even killed for their faith the cross portrays. Yet we keep on wearing one. Imagine that.

How will you respond, the next time someone asks you, “What does the cross mean to you”?

The glorious gifts of God are not to be cast aside.

Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Galatians 4:7