Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Relationship With Christ

The following is from a young man who is behind bars but I contest that he has more freedom than all of us on the outside. He is enrolled in a prison ministry called, Crossroads Bible Institute. His studies are intense and better students can recieve scholarships to seminaries. They are really doing God's work and I am happy to know them.
Their website escapes now but I will write about them later. On the site, they show artwork of prisoners and their poetry as well. It's profound and moving. CBI is always looking for instructors to grade papers of the prisoners Bible studies so give them a look.
Anyway, Saul has a profound and strong regimine for living a life through Jesus as evideced by his recent letter to me. It came after I asked him how he found his relationship with Christ.

In today’s world, too many Christians know about God and Jesus, yet they do not know Him. The problem is, they never take the time to seek Him. When life’s worry’s come, they are defeated and lose all hope. The Christian that truly knows Christ does not worry, for where Christ is there is no worry.

When we read Matthew 6: 25–34, or Luke 12: 22-31, Jesus teaches us about worry. Yet, if you read Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7, you will read the instructions Jesus by which Jesus teaches us to live.

When we get down on our luck, we need not turn to the world; we need to turn to Jesus. For He instructs us in Matthew 11: 25-30 and Luke 10: 21-22. These are the words by which true Christians live by.

A lot of times, we seek big signs from God to know if He is real, yet we miss out on the little nudges He gives us. Jesus teaches us about this in Matthew 12: 38-45 and Luke 11: 29-32.

To get to know Jesus more, you must read the Word found in the Gospel of John. You will read who Jesus is and what we must do to know Him.
- John 1: 1-18 tells us who Jesus is.
- John 3: 1-21 tells us what we must do to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
- John 5: 16-30 teaches us to live life through Christ.
- John 6: 25-59 teaches us that Jesus is the Bread of Life.
- John 8: 42-47 tells about those who are not living through Christ.
- John 10: 14-18 tells us exactly for who and what Jesus did for us.
- John, chapters 14, 15 and 16 are also very important in knowing Jesus.

When trouble comes, Luke 21: 34-36 tells us what happens to those who don’t know Jesus in those bad times.

It is sad when problems come and we worry. We must be still and wait on the Lord. Too many times we try to take matters into our own hands. We must pray to God through Jesus and put it in His hands.

I truly love the book of Philippians. There is so much that speaks to my heart. Yet the big things are chapter 3: 1-11 (no confidence in the flesh) and 3: 12-21 is very good in all things. Yet, when I read 4: 10-13, I truly see Christ in me. For contentment comes from Jesus and not worldly things.

Many of us Christians do not truly realize what an honor it is to be a servant of God. We all deserve death, yet God grants us life in His son. (John 3:16)

When we read Romans 5: 1-11, we learn what true Peace and Joy is. For it comes from Christ and not the world. Romans 8: 1-17 tells us about the life through the Spirit. 8: 18-27 tells us about the future Glory. 8: 28-39 tells us about being more than conquerors.

Jesus is love, the true love of God, and to know true love, you must know Christ. Read Romans 12: 9-21 and 13: 8-14 and the biggest one to know is 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13. These all teach us what love really is.

Yet the biggest lesson to learn is about suffering, which I know about a lot. I thank God to allow me to suffer for being a Christian. It is a true honor to learn His ways in the hard times, for it helps in the good times. I learn from 2 Corinthians 1: 3-11 “The God of comfort”. I live also by James 5: 7-12, 1 Peter 4: 12-19, as these chapters teach a lot about suffering.

Now, when you put this all together, you will learn who you are and who Jesus is. You learn to let go of all your troubles and give them to God and to trust God to take care of all problems, big and small. You will truly live Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
Speaking of Proverbs, the path to true knowledge of God and how He wants us to live are all written in Proverbs. Try to read Proverbs daily. There are 31 Proverbs and most months have 31 days. Whatever day it is, read that numbered Proverb.
Now, I am no expert in the Word; I do not even know the Bible. The cool part is that I don’t have to. The Holy Spirit knows the Bible and when I pray to God for wisdom and knowledge, God leads me to His Word. I rely 100% on God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to guide me every day.
This all started 5 years ago when I was lead to read the Bible on a daily basis. I thank God who has allowed a sinner like me to come and know Him. I am truly blessed beyond all measure. I live for the Glory and Praise of God, for I am a mere servant to God in Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior.
Your Brother in Christ,
I invite people to pray with me; Let all the lost souls of the world come to truly know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
In Christ’s name we pray,

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