Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do You Believe in God?

I was watching an old TV show the other night and one of the characters asked the others if they believed in God. It was such a simple question that only required a simple yes or no answer but it left an unsettling quiet in the air.

The other characters shuffled around and one by one started to give really stupid answers. One said flat out, “That’s private”, while another character rambled on with philosophical double talk which in the end was the same as saying no.

The thing that bothered me was that the one who asked the question not only believed in God but told the others she talked to God and God talked to her. There was silence at first which lead to snickering and taunting and eventually all but one of the characters shunned her.

It was a waste of time as TV shows go but it made me think of how many times I’ve seen people grapple with that very question. As a species, humans have gone from worshiping more gods than I can count to one God and now they are afraid to admit believing in fear of being shunned. It’s a

simple question; you believe in God or you don’t. It’s not “private” or philosophical; it’s “yes” or “no”.

Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me. Acts 27:25

One thing I find in common with those that believe in God is that life has a purpose. Those that don’t believe or are too weak to admit believing because they think their friends won’t approve and they find themselves chasing dreams and crave some sort of power, which is just an illusion after all.

He that walketh with wise [men] shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Proverbs 13:20

I guess people are simply too worried about appearances and that’s understandable. Ever since grade school we are “picked on” if we’re the least bit different. But by fitting in, who are we really pleasing other than the class clowns? Then you feel empty because you caved in to peer pressure and you in turn crave some power to make others follow you. It’s silly when you think about it.

Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.
Albert EinsteinUS (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)

There are so many variables affecting our lives that God can get shoved to the back of our minds and when that happens we forget to pray. Prayer is the surest way to talk with God. He does listen and if you bury your fears of what others think of you, you will hear His answers to your prayers. Prayer can be a powerful variable in our lives when we don’t shove Him to the back of our minds.
Next time you want to have some fun observing people, throw out the question, “Do you believe in God” and watch objectively. Some will cower and remain silent while some will try to “Wow” you with double talk. How many simply say “yes”? Those that do are those you can trust.
Dare to be different! Don’t be afraid to believe!